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Billie Clarke's Answering Service Deploys OnviSource Intelligently Automated Analytics with AI/Machine Learning to Automate Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement

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OnviSource announced today that Billie Clarke’s Answering Service, a provider of 24/7 live answering and contact center services, has successfully deployed OnviSource’s Intellecta™ Multichannel Analytics solution delivered as Cloud/SaaS.

June 7, 2022

OnviSource announced today that Billie Clarke’s Answering Service, a provider of 24/7 live answering and contact center services, has successfully deployed OnviSource’s Intellecta™ Multichannel Analytics solution delivered as Cloud/SaaS. Driven by speech technologies, automated analytics and powered by AI machine learning (ML), Intellecta enables the teleservices provider to holistically analyze, score and manage quality assurance (QA) and agent performance for 100% of interactions with minimal human effort.


Teleservices are recognizing that manual QA practices significantly limit the number of interactions that can be processed, and that manual QA is inadequate for effectively measuring and scoring agent performance, skills, and client satisfaction for all interactions with end customers. Having the ability to automatically evaluate and score agent performance beyond conventional key performance indicators (KPIs) using intelligently automated technologies allows teleservices to effectively measure hard and soft skills alike and quickly pinpoint training and development for low-performing agents while recognizing and rewarding top performers, thus improving both employee and customer satisfaction overall.


Proper discovery of soft skills by automated analytics, such as empathy, professionalism, cordiality, politeness, etc., requires highly advanced AI technologies such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning (ML/DL). Intellecta uses its own proprietary and multi-engine AI, called iMachine™, to provide accurate analysis of soft skills. Furthermore, Intellecta offers Deep Mining analytics, capable of deeper and multi-level mining to discover the purpose of customer calls, reasons for calls, customers’ reactions to agents’ resolutions, etc., providing management with a full picture of what really is happening during interactions with customers.


“Without an automated and intelligent analytics solution, we were forced to only sample a small number of interactions, missing valuable information. Using Intellecta and automating the entire quality assurance process for analyzing and scoring agent performance allows us to evaluate every interaction easily and rapidly and without a need for additional personnel,” said Susie Etzel, CEO of Billie Clarke’s Answering Service. “Intellecta has given us a holistic view and true understanding of interactions to help us align our services with what customers demand from live interactions. Beyond their technical solutions, OnviSource has been, and I am confident will continue to be, a true and dedicated partner to ensure our ongoing success in using analytics by offering highly affordable prices, hands-on assistance and training, and a range of customer success programs to make Intellecta work for our specific needs.”


Intellecta business intelligence (BI) reports deliver analytics results in correlation to a wide variety of other KPIs (work shifts, call volume, talk time, etc.) and can describe agent performance individually or in comparison with other agents such as top and bottom level performers.


“Up to now, it has not been cost effective for teleservices to utilize intelligently automated and AI-driven analytics to automate their quality assurance,” explains Francisca Alegria, Chief Revenue Officer for OnviSource. “The proven performance and low cost of our Intellecta analytics for this industry fulfills our mission of democratizing intelligent automation solutions powered by AI and machine learning for all industries and applications. With these technologies, teleservices providers can meet their objectives of employee excellence, customer loyalty and business productivity.” 


Intellecta is part of the ia.Enterprise™ suite of Intelligent Automation solutions and is available as both on-premise software and SaaS.​

About Billie Clarke's Answering Service

Billie Clarke's Answering Service (BCAS) was opened in San Diego, California, and has continuously served its broad base of clients with excellence since its founding in 1979. BCAS, a member of several industry trade associations, is constantly investing in personnel, technology, software and procedures in order to enhance service standards. Services offered are centered around live but 'virtual' Telephone Receptionists providing the Answering Service You Hoped Existed.


Billie Clarke's Answering Service holds an A+ Accredited Business designation from the San Diego Chapter of the Better Business Bureau. Find out more at

About OnviSource

OnviSource is a global innovator delivering intelligent transformation for contact centers and enterprises through the power of applied artificial wisdom. We enable organizations to achieve excellence in the three most impactful areas of any business – workforce performance, customer loyalty, and business productivity. Our AI-driven analytics and automation solutions provide actionable knowledge, deeper insights, and applied artificial wisdom enriched with human qualities and wisdom. OnviSource solutions connect, unify, analyze, and automate contact center and enterprise data and processes to bring together a holistic view of the business and operation for improved CX and overall customer lifetime value, enhanced employee performance and engagement, and increased business productivity. All tailored to fit customers’ business: functionally, operationally, financially, and emotionally.

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